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Hristo Neiland
Conflict resolution mentor 

Conflicts are for your own benefit. 

I don't mean you should pick a fight with anyone who's standing in your way, but there is always something valuable hidden in the conflict.

But when emotions are high and walls are up, it is not easy to get the value out of it. 

I can help you understand conflicts and turn them into benefits.

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Conflict resolution

Conflict is an inevitable aspect of human interaction, arising from a mismatch in perspectives and the reality we live in depends fully on our perception. 

However, it is not the presence of conflict that defines our relationships and endeavors, but rather how we use the situation. The elephant in the room is always felt by every party, so instead of ignoring it, we can use a healthy conflict to learn and resolve it.


Conflict resolution is the art of managing disagreements constructively, fostering understanding, and finding win-win or at least neutral-neutral solutions. I will help you to explore the importance of conflict resolution in various contexts, its underlying principles, and practical strategies for effectively addressing conflicts to promote harmony, growth, and positive outcomes.

A bit about me

From the competitive arenas of sports to entrepreneurship, I've spent my life navigating challenges and embracing the conflicts that come with them. As a lifelong competitor, I've come to understand that conflicts aren't merely obstacles to overcome; they're opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

My journey began on courts, where I learned that the desire to win should never be overshadowed by the fear of losing. It's a lesson that transcends sports and permeates every aspect of life. Fear of failure once held me back, but through understanding and embracing conflict, I've learned to approach challenges with courage and determination.

I apply this philosophy daily. I thrive on understanding the challenges faced by our customers and empowering them to tackle those challenges head-on. Whether it's in business or in life, I believe in taking full responsibility and confronting obstacles with tenacity and resilience.

My diverse background, spanning teaching, coaching, sales, and strategy, has equipped me with a multifaceted perspective on conflict resolution and personal growth. I am passionate about connecting with others, learning from their experiences, and sharing insights that foster mutual growth and understanding.

If you're looking to unlock the potential within yourself or your business, I invite you to join me in a conversation. Whether it's about scaling your enterprise, embarking on a journey of self-discovery, or even discussing the intricacies of sports strategy, I'm here to listen, learn, and grow together. Let's turn conflicts into catalysts for success and embark on a journey of transformation.

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sTARTUp Day 2022 keynote

Conflict resolution method


Understanding the puzzle


Getting all the puzzle pieces on the table


Sorting out the pieces that are aligned and the ones that contradict each other


Focusing on what matters


Creating a strategy to put the puzzle together


Supporting the execution of the strategy

The exact methods and the length of the phases vary depending on the actual situation at hand. Sometimes a couple of interviews and workshops are all that are needed, other times it takes multiple iterations, behavioral assessments,  mentoring sessions, gamification, and team getaways to get long-lasting results. What is clear, is that the process ends when all parties feel that the thing is solved and there is no sense of bitter taste left.


Sounds interesting


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sTARTUp Day Podcast

In Estonian, 2022

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In Estonian, 2022

Saates discgolfarist terapeut/mental coach Hristo Neiland! Saa teada, kes või mis on su discgolfi võistlusringide suurim takistus, kuidas parandada oma treeninguid ja otsuseid mängu ajal ning kuidas tulla toime võistlusnärvi, segavate faktorite või ootamatute olukordadega!


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In Estonian, 2022

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Podcast by Laurent Notin

In English, 2022

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In English, 2022

Is your business led byyou or your fear - how much it runs peoples' lives, business strategies, and how to work with it.

Cocoon Podcast

In English, 2021

From sportsmanship to entrepreneurship. Hristo talks about his childhood and journey of becoming the person he is today.

Sounds interesting

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